“The gathering of the names and dates of coming to Saline County of the within old settlers was started in 1879 by the secretary of the Saline County Historical Society. For the most part given by the parties themselves. Also from the old diaries of the Morrisons and Luke F. Parsons, A.K. Boyles and from the signatures by the old settlers themselves at the various old settlers reunions from year to year. That there will be some errors is to be expected as some have given their dates of coming to Saline County and later have come and had the dates changed.
“Every effort has been made to get the names and dates accurate, and it is believed this list contains the largest and most correct list of names of the early old time settlers in existence at this date.”
Re-indexed Aug. 15, 1924
Signed by A.M. Campbell, Jr.
This is an old handwritten compilation of early settlers of Saline County. It is copied as originally listed and spelled as best it could be determined from the handwriting. A pioneer was anyone coming to Saline County before May 4, 1867 when the regular service on the Kansas Pacific Railroad started.NAME, YEAR CAME OR KNOWN, REMARKS OR SOURCE, YEAR OF INFORMATION
Alverson, Daniel Jan. 4, 1860 July 4, 1860 hired with team to Pike’s Peak Road.
Alverson, (Old Lady & Lib) Jan. 4, 1860 Came with man name of John D.Lane & lived in T. White house, winter of 1860.
Alverson, J. Jan. 4, 1860 m. Mary Zigler, July 25, 1863 or 68.
Alverson, Lib or Lizzie Apr. 4, 1860 Worked for James Muir Apr. 2, 1861; m. H.H. Flagg who later was a county officer.
Alverson, John Jan. 4, 1860 Came with John Lane
Alverson, Mrs. John Apr. 11, 1863 She was Mary Zigler.
Anderson, Thomas Mar. or Apr. 6, 1861 Aug. 1, 1861 began work at sawmill at $14.00 per mo. Payable in goods, lumber & a little cash.
Adams, Mrs. Sept 25, 1861 Parson’s Diary.
Albright, Henry & Mrs. Henry Apr. 11, 1866.
Albright, Thos. Apr. 11, 1860 Uncle of Simeon Gartletz.
Albright, Mrs. Thos. 1860 She was Rebecca Gartletz, sister of Sim. When Mr. Albright died. She m. a Turner. See Turner
Albright, Mr. & Mrs. 1860 Left dry year.
Addison, David J. Feb. 14, 1867 Andreas Hist. Of Ks. P. 702
Alderdiei, Thos 1863 Bernhardt’s Hist. Of Lincoln Co. & Old Settler’s 1913. His sig. Addison, W.C. Feb. 14, 1867.
Armstrong, J.W. Apr. 10, 1867
Anderson, Mrs. Thomas 1864
Avery, Addison 1865 Ran grocery store 1865 in building just north of Lotz coal office & next to alley going to Western Star Mill.
Abbot, Mr. Nov. 20, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 53
Beaver, Peter & Mrs. Aug. 1859 Left dry year of 1860.
Bearns, Ulus Aug. 1859 Left dry year of 1860. 1865, here again in Glendale Twp.
Bellows, E.G. Spring 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 53. Farmed & ran brick yard÷Englishman. Went to McPherson Co. 1870-farmed; m.1870, Eliza J. Supton. 3 children.
Bishop, Rev. Wm. Jun. 7, 1860 Preacher to help organize church Parson’s diary p. 11, May 12 & P. 19 Jun. 7. Rev. A.A. Morrison’s Diary, p. 2, Jun 7.
Bishop, Mrs. Rev. Wm. Nov. 24, 1860 Parson’s Diary pp. 35 & 65
Bean, Wm. S. Sept. 9, 1860
Baxter, Doek Dec. 30, 1860. Parson’s Diary p. 87. Buffalo Hunter. Died in Salina. 2 sons living.
Bean, B.S. Nov. 4, 1860. m. Dec. 6, 1860 Sarah M. Morrison. H.H. Morrison’s Diary, p. 26.
Bishop, Robert. June 7, 1860. Helped reorganize Salina Town & became member & res. Parson’s Diary, p. 19. Paid $35 for claim on Dry Creek.
Bean, Miss Annie b. Oct. 6, 1861 Old Settler’s Roll Call
Blaw, Bernhardt Mar. 28, 1861 Hired by W.A. Phillips at Lawrence to come to Salina to set up saw mill 7 work in same at $20 per mo.; m. Martha Ziegler June 1, 1864. P. 84 H.H. Morrison’s Diary.
Bishop, Mrs. Robert & 3 children Nov. 24, 1861 Ebbie, Gary & Marshal
Barker, Henry May 1860 Parson’s Diary p. 23 says May 30
Bishop, George Skiles Dec. 25, 1864 On Ks. Stage Coach; He bought claim on Dry Creek south of State ___from Elsie Evans. She took it when Chas. Haskit left & went to war.
Buch, Mr. Here spring of 1860; left & returned 1862.
Bishop, David P. 1865 He took claim south of George Bishop on Dry Creek.
Burnett, J.G. 1865 Moved to McPherson Co.
Bishop, Ebbie L. Nov. 1860
Bishop, Wm. H. Feb. 3, 1862
Blundon, J.W. Nov. 1866
Bagley, W.P. Apr. 15, 1866
Brown, Albert L. Aug. 1862
Blundon, Julia Nov. 1866
Bishop, John L. Apr. 10, 1865
Brendel, Mary July 1866 She was a Miss Mary Ninra; m. Frank Brendel.
Boyles, Thomas 1864
Barker, John L. 1867
Bondi, August Aug. 6, 1866 One of John Brown’s men.
Bassett, M.R. 1866 Andreas Hist. Of KS. P. 708
Bean, John L. Oct. 1866
Beebe, Ambrose May 1, 1867
Campbell, A.M. Feb. 1, 1858 Member of Salina Town Co.; d. Feb. 15, 1907 of heart failure.
Campbell, Mrs. A.M. July 4, 1858 Generally called mother of Salina. Was Christina A. Phillips; m. A.M. Campbell in 1859 at Riley City, KS.d. Apr. 25, 1918 at age 87.
Crawford, Robert 1859 Came Feb. 15, 1858 with A.C. Spilman with load of goods for Salina Town Co. & went back.
Campbell, Christie b. Oct. 25, 1859 First white child b. in City & first to live in county; m. N.H. Loomis.
Clark, Capt. May 1, 1858 Came with Tom White’s second trip. Old Settler’s of A.M. Campbell.
Coonrad, T. First came June 1858 Came with Sharps & Tom White, left June flood 1858; spring of 1859. Left dry year. Back May 1, 1859.
Coonrad, Mrs. T. & 2 children May 1859 Came with James Sharp & Tom White.
Combs, William 1859
Combs, Mrs. William & 1859 One daughter m. Mr. Lehman; one 3 daughters. (Maggie) m. Page; one m. John Lane.
Cobb, Dr. Spring 1860 Andreas Hist. Of Ks. P. 698. Died here in fall, buried in home made 2″ pine box coffin.
Cass, Jacob 1860 Andreas Hist. Of Ks. P. 698. First Treasurer of County.
Cass, Mrs. 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 35. She buried husband in Topeka; he was killed by barrel of buffalo tallow falling on him on Dec. 20, 1860.
Crowther, Joseph First came Oct. 14, 1859. Parson’s Diary, p. 29 Back Sept. 18, 1860.
Crowther, Mrs. Joseph Sept. 18, 1860 Parson’s Diary p. 29
Calkins, Ransom May 1, 1861 Parson’s Diary, p. 49 built his house in 1867.
Calkins, Peter May 1, 1861 Parson’s Diary p. 49
Calkins, Royal D. May 1, 1861 Old Settler’s Roll Call. Carried mail June 30, 1864-1870.
Coburn, Joseph Apr. 22, 1861 Went to Leavenworth in 1857 & started 1st mill (flour) there. Came to Saline Co. with B.F. Robinson; d. in 1877.
Coburn, Mrs. Joseph Apr. 22, 1861
Cox, Ellen Apr. 22, 1861 Came with Joseph Coburn & wife.
Coburn, Rebecca Mar. 3, 1864 Married Dr. Wm. A. Phillips. After his death, m. Mr. Krause, her brother-in-law, of McPherson.
Cline, John May 1861 Worked for J.R. Mean & Mr. Haynes when Haynes was murdered. He afterward lived at New Cambria.
Coburn, Miss Jennie Feb. 2, 1862
Cline, Mrs. Sarah 1863
Caldwell, Adam 1864
Conyess, Culver 1860 Worked in Phillip’s saw mill June 1861.
Clayton, L.L. 1864 H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Crowley, Dr. J.W. May 1, 1867 Andreas’ Hist. Of Ks. P. 703, & Campbell’s notebook of Old Settlers.
Collins, A.P. Oct. 1866 Register of Old Settlers of Saline County.
Colgren, Andrew B. Jan. 18, 1864 First Swede in County. Located on upper Smoky Hill River on Sec. 30-13-2. Lived there until 1893 when he returned to Sweden & d. in 1895.
Conway, Thomas March 1867
Conway, Minerva April 1867
Calkins, Mrs. Royal D. April 1867 She was an Armstrong.
Dunn, Patt. 1860 Killed by a buffalo, Aug. 1860.
Donegan, John March 1867 Moved to California.
Dihle, Henry May 1, 1866 Came 1865 & left; was a government teamster. He m. Anna Neubold 1876. She came 1875.
Dihle, R.H. Spring 1863 first harness maker in Salina.
Dell, Susan Mar. 17, 1861 given by her at Old Settler’s Roll Call (Street Fair)
Darling, Mr. Dec. 1861 Phillips’ Journal p. 65
Downey, Mr. July 24, 1860 Rev. A.A. Morrison’s Diary
Dunn, U. June 1860
Davis, Eliza D. Dec. 18, 1860
Dorethy & Curley 1867 Ranch on Plum Creek 14 mi. west of Ft. Harker. Ranch attacked by Indians July 1867 & Curley was killed (lady taken to Ellsworth)
Estrel, John 1865 Farm in Glendale Twp. East of H. Dihle farm.
Evans, Elsie 1861 She took claim Chas. Haskit leftwhen he went to war & sold it to George Bisop. It was on Dry Creek south of State St.
Evans, (brother of Elsie) 1861 Took no claim, stayed but a short time.
Ernest ? May 1866 Glendale Twp.
Fisher, Jacob J. fall 1870 family
Fisher, Mrs. Jacob. J. Apr. 28, 1858 See Caroline Link of 1858. She was 4th child of Mrs. Catherine Link Faris, Trip 1860.
Faris, Henry V. Sept. 20, 1860 Came to near Ft. Riley in fall of 1859. Worked until he came to Salina. Later went to Ellsworth Co., took ranch with brothers and hunted buffalo.
Faris, Irving (Irv.) Sept. 1860 History of Dickinson Co.
Faris, Winton (Wint) Sept. 1860 History of Dickinson Co.
Flag, H.H. Jan. 1860 Worked for A.M. Campbell. He was also county officer. He m. Lib. Alverson.
Grandy, John B. April 1858 Came from Parma, Jackson Co., Michigan. Stayed a few weeks and laid out town of Grandy where New Cambria now stands. A.M. Campbell helped him measure land with buggy wheel.
Graw, Dr. 1858 Indian wife. Quack?
Garlitts, Mrs. 1860 She was a Haskitt.
Garlitts, Simeon May 1859 He m. Miss Haskitt, daughter of Charles Haskitt. (Belgium)
Girsch, Peter July 4, 1859 Took claim with Morrison’s log (Old Man)house on it. He made hinges & latch for the stockade building.
Girsch, Mrs. Peter July 4, 1859 A.C. Spilman family
Girsch, Peter Jr. July 4, 1859 A.C. Spilman family (oldest son)
Girsch, Stephen July 4, 1859 Died June 22, 1927(second son)
Girsch, Mike 1859 His signature at Old Settlers day.(third son)
Girsch, Annie 1859 m. a Mr. Humbarger(fourth child)
Girsch, John Peter 1859 A.C. Spilman family(fifth child)
Girsch, Nick 1859 First blacksmith in county.(cousin of Old Man)
Garvin, George Oct. 1859 Came with David and Grandma Phillips. His wife was a Kennison
Griffenstein, Wm. Spring 1861 Was a buffalo hunter & settler. Moved away to Arkansas about 1864 on a ranch.
Garlitts, Mrs. May 1, 1859 Came with Tom White party.(mother of Simeon)
Geisen, Jacob 1865 m. Miss Annie Link, oldest daughter of Catherine Link. They moved to Minneapolis.
Galoway, Mr. April 1861
Groger, Dr. J.B. Oct. 1, 1866 Andreas History of Kansas, p. 703 and Old Settlers Book.
Gardner, Benjamin W. June 1863 Prospector and farmer. Farm on Saline R.
Gardner, Catherine N. Nov. 1863 (first wife of Benj. W. Gardner)
Gardner, Wm. H. Sept. 28, 1864 His signature.
Godfrey, S.S. 1866 Andreas History of Farm in Walnut Twp., KS. P. 708
Holtzman, Chas. Came with Tom White – Conrad & Capt. Clark & left high water of June 1858. Came back again with Sharp & White 1859.
Holtzman, Mrs. Chas. May 1, 1859
Humbarger, Solomon Nov. 1858 Died Dec. 18, 1928 at No. 9th St. City.
Humbarger, Jacob Nov. 1858
Humbarger, Sam Nov. 1858
Humbarger, Dan Nov. 1858 m. Annie Girsch
Humbarger, John 1859 Told Thomas Anderson
Hains, E.C. 1858 He was a buffalo hunter. With J.N. Swain, left 1860 or dry year. See J.N. Swain.
Harper, (“Old Man”) Apr. 1860 Parson’s Diary
Harmon, John April 1860 On Saline River
Helm, Adam April 21, 1860 He worked saw mill June 15, 1861.Brought first shingle mill to Salina.
Helm, Henry April 21, 1860 Methodist Church organizers (Hook & Helm)
Hook, Mr. April 21, 1860
Harper, Jefferson April 21, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 9
Harper, Milt April 21, 1860 Harpers came together with Abbie Wilcox & others. Abbie Wilcox m. James Muir; upon his death she m. H.H. Morrison.
Harper, Mrs. April 21, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 9 (mother of above)
Haskitt, James 1860 James & Chrles Haskit took claim on Dry Creek south of State St. Threw it up and went back east- claim was taken by Elsie Evans 1861. Came back in _____
Haskit, Charles April 1860
Haskit, Mrs. Charles April 1860
Haskit, (daughter of above) April 1860 m. Simeon Gartlets and stayed here when folks went away. Later moved to Greenwood Co., KS.
Haskit, George 1861 Stayed one year÷moved to Greenwood Co., KS.
Helm, J.W. 1862 Farmer 11 miles east of Salina.Died Feb. 12, 1930. Salina Journal death notice.
Humbarger, Peter July 1865 Herdbook, p. 708
Humbarger, Mrs. Solomon Oct. 31, 1863 Old Settler’s Roll Call
Honeck, Earnest March 11, 1862 Took ranch at where Bavaria stands in about 1864. Laid out town of Honeck 1871÷vacated 1877÷ later added to Bavaria as an addition.
Hughes, Dr. 1860
Hughes, Mrs. Dr. 1860
Hamond, Mr. ? J. Dec. 26, 1860 H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Havens, Chas. 1863 He m. Miss Etta Thacker (first school teacher), divorced later. Stage driver.
Humbarger, Jacob Nov. 1858
Humbarger, Solomon Nov. 1858 Located 2 miles East of Culver.
Humbarger, Sam Nov. 1858 Died Salina S. 9th St. at his nephew’s Peter Spohn, Nov. 18 1928. He had been living in Ellis KS.
Humbarger, Dean Nov. 1858
Howe, J.E. 1865 Notary Public here in 1865. May have been here before then.
Harris, Ervin 1864
Hopkins, D.F. 1866 Located at Bridgeport.
Huston, John W. 1864 See Bernhardt’s Indian raids, Lincoln Co., KS.
Huskey, Ernest 1865 Located in Glendale Twp. Near H. Diehl farm
Hamilton, O.P. 1861 Andreas, p. 703
Haskins, Dennis 1866 Farmer, Eureka, Twp.
Harmon, John 1865 Farm, Cambria Twp.
Hanna, Mrs. B.J.F. 1861 Capt. Hanna sent his family to (Margaret Phillips, sister of Col. Phillips) Salina when he went to war.
Harrison, Mrs. 1866, fall Ks. Historical Collections, vol. 10, (was Emily Haines)
p. 622
Itzen, J. Apr 30, 1865 Morrison’s Diary
Johnson, Ed. Donivan 1859 His letter; m. Miss Tryon; d. Blackwell, OK.
Johnson, Mrs. (Tryon) 1860 Purn Tryon’s daughter; lived on Dry Creek.
Jones, H.L. Feb. 19, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. l; Morrison’s Diary , p. 8.
Jones, Mrs. H.L. March 11, 1860 Parson’s Diary (& child, Allie)
Jones, (Uncle) March 16, 1860 Parson’s Diary and Mrs. H.L. Jones
Jeffers, Mr. Nov. 1862 H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Johnson, Curtis 1861 Worked for Col. Phillips at saw mill p. 92, Register.
Jensass, Mrs. J.J. May 3, 1861 Given by her at Old Settlers
Jennings, Mr. ? 1860 Parson’s Diary p. 43 & 35
Jackson, Caroline 1861, summer First colored person to come to Saline Co. to work for Mrs. Col. Phillips.
Jennerson, Capt. June 1863 H.H. Morrison’s Diary, lived near Ks. Pacific depot in 1868.
Kelly, Tom July 1860 A.A. Morrison’s Diary; Tom Kelly & I acted as judges in election.
Loomis, Mrs. Christie C. 1859 First child born in Salina & first in county to live. Lull, P.F. 1869 Twp. Trustee
Lull, J.K. 1867 Salina Trustee
Lull, Dr. fall, 1866
Lane, John July 4, 1860 Came with Alverson, according to Tom Anderson.
Lucas, Mr. Fall, 1861 Parson’s Diary, p. 29, Sept. 2; son- in-law of Tryon’s & lived farm south of his.
Link, Catherine Robb April 28, 1858 First woman in county & took claim N.E. of Salina. A widow with 4 children, her husband having died on road to Salina.
Link, Anna 1865 She & her husband Jacob Geisen came to Saline Co & stayed with her mother Mrs. Link a short time then moved to Ottawa Co.
Link, Jacob 1858 d. young; never married
Link, Mary 1858 m. Israel Markely in 1860 and moved to Ottawa Co.
Link, Caroline 1858 m. Jacob J. Fisher and to Ottawa Co.
Link, Elizabeth 1858 m. Jack Williams and lived on farm N.E. of Salina.
Lehmon, Joseph (Joe) 1860 Page & Lehmon ranch 1860-63 Ellsworth Co., m. Miss Maggie Coombs. Buffalo hunter & rancher.
Leise, Silas June 15, 1861 Worked for Col. Phillips in saw mill at $30 per month.
Lull & Walker Mill was built 12/____ Phillips saw mill sold lumber for.
Libert, John 1865 Settled in Glendale Twp.
Linden, J. 1862 His funeral sermon preached 12/14/1862. A.A. Morrisons Diary.
Lowe, Capt. G.G. fall, 1866
Lowe, Mrs. Capt. G.G. March 26, 1867 By ox team. Settled on farm, now known as Henry Weisgarbers.
Lowe, Mary C. (Nellie) March 26, 1867 m. James Marrs of Beloit, KS.
Lowe, Millard March 26, 1867
Lowe, Will March 26, 1867 Feb. 1930 a photographer in Springfield, MO.
Long, Sam 1865
Long, Mrs. Sam 1865
Long, Tom (son of Sam) 1865
Lyon, George B. 1867 Salina Trustee, may have been here before
Livingston, Noah 1863 Tom Anderson
Lotz, Edward May 1, 1867 First undertaker. First coal dealer
Leonard, ? Nov. 1860
Lapsley, Larry after war He came with Luke Parsons. Second colored in county and first to take land.
Markley, Israel April 28, 1858 Lived with Mrs. Link and m. her daughter and moved to Ottawa Co.
Morrison, Hugh H. October 14, 1859 Kept diary of 1859-1865
Morrison, Myra May 29, 1860 Sister of H.H. and m. Rittgers.
Morrison, Maryetta May 29, 1860 Sister of H.H.
Morrison, Rev. A.A. May 29, 1860 Father of H.H. See his diary.
Morrison, Mrs. A.A. May 29, 1860 H.H. diary pg. 78
Morrison, Wilson W. March 28, 1860 H.H. diary p. 8, Parson’s p. 7
Morrison, Andrew R. March 28, 1860 Parson’s diary, p. 7
Muir, April 14, 1860 Parson’s diary p. 9
Muir, William May 11, 1860 Parson’s diary p. 11
Muir, Mrs. William
Morrison, Mrs. H.H. May 1, 1862 H.H. Morrison’s diary, p. 52. May 1, wife’s first day here.
Morrison, Mrs. Wilson W. April 24, 1860 (& son & daughter)
Morrison, Sarah H. Sept. 18, 1860 Parson’s diary & Morrison’s diary m. Ben Bean
Muir, Bryce 1865 Family; d. Mar. 21, 1927
Muir, Mrs. Bryce 1867 Family. She was Margaret Prater
Muir, James Feb. 1, 1858 He & A.M. Campbell built first house in Salina, for Phillips. Member of Salina Town Co; m. Abbie Wilcox June 22, 1860.
Mead, James R. Fall, 1859 Ranch on Paradise Creek & Deputy Sheriff of Saline Co. under Luke Parsons. 1862 moved to Salina because of Indians. 1863 to south along Arkansas River & one of the founders of Wichita.
Mason, James June 1859 His signature, Old Settlers
Muir, Robert 1861 Phillips Journal, p. 84, Apr. 26, 1861 worked at saw mill; m. Nancy Kennison, 1865.
Muir Mrs. Robert
Mosier, Hiram 1863
Mosier, Miss 1863 m. Tom White 1865 or 1866.
McReynolds, Robt 1860 Elected Sheriff of Saline Co. Nov. 1861. Andreas pg. 698
McReynolds, Nancy 1860 Worked for Wm. A. Phillips Mar. 25, 1862. Phillips Journal pg. 27
Martin, Charlie 1865 Took land in Glendale twp on Mulberry where he died.
Meadel, C. July 26, 1864 H.H.M. diary, member of Co. G Kansas State Militia.
Moberly, Richard 1857, summer Head of Buchanan Town Co., stayed only a short time.
Maxwell, Mathew Dec. 1865
Maxwell, William A. 1864 or 1865
Maxwell, Mrs. Mathew 1866
McPhail, D. 1866
McPhail, Mrs. D. 1866
McAnliff, Dan D. April 1867 Old Settlers Ass’n Book, Notary – Real estate & U.S. Commissioner & manufactured concrete brick.
Norton, E.L. May 1, 1867
Osborne, Ed July 19, 1863 H.H.M. Member of Co. G, 10th Reg. Ks. State Militia.
Osborne, Hugh Apr. 14, 1861
Oltmans, R. Henry July 12, 1859
Oltmans, Mrs. R. Henry July 12, 1859
Osborne, J.K. 1866 Salina trustee 1867
Obrien, William 1864
Phillips, William Addison 1856 Explored as far west as Barton Co. -returned to Lawrence. Walked up to big bend of Smoky Hill river & also Blue River with view of picking townsite. He, A.M. Campbell Sr. & James Muir walked up to Salina from Lawrence, Feb.1, 1858 to locate the town of Salina. Campbell & Muir stayed and Phillips returned to send up supplies.
Phillips, David L. 1858 Member of Salina town Co. Herd Book, p. 705
Phillips, Mrs. Carroway June 12, 1860 First woman in Salina; was home-(wife of Col. Phillips) sick and left, refusing to stay. Came back June 12, 1860 and stayed.
Phillips, James S. 1860 of U.S. Navy
Phillips, John – boy 1860 Lost in blizzard of 1867 – Nov.Thanksgiving day.
Phillips, Christina A. July 4, 1858 (see Mrs. A.M. Campbell)
Phillips, C.A. 1859, fall H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Phillips, Maxwell 1859, fall
Pickard, George Aug. 1858 Andreas, p. 698, says he was first storekeeper, but was not. His goods destroyed by flood and bought by Phillips for $20 for Campbell’s store.
Packard, George Feb. 28, 1861 Parson’s Diary
Parson, Luke F. Feb. 17, 1860 His diary. He left for war and returned.
Page, Capt. Daniel H. 1860 Andreas. Lemon & Page ranch in now Ellsworth Co. Kept stage station. Settled on Thompson’s Creek spring of 1860. 1864 moved to Salina on account of the Indians.1868 moved to Sec. 9 near Lindsborg, KS. M. Maggie Combs
Peters, Joe 1863 Morrison’s Diary
Prescott, J.H. (Judge) 1862 Andreas a history & picture
Prescott, Mrs. J.H. Andreas
Pierce, Alec K. Feb. 1867 Farm on Dry Creek
Parker, Gaf’s June 1864 Morrison’s Diary
Parker, Robert 1864 Rev. A.A. Morrison’s diary; settled Moffit estate.
Peterman, Henry Aug. 19, 1865 H.H. Morrison’s diary. Left dry year 1860. Came back 1865 & settled on Saline R.
Peterman, Mrs. Henry 1860 H.H. Morrison’s diary
Prater, Capt. Collin 1860 Parson’s diary. Brother-in-law of Bryce Muir
Prater, John 1860 Took farm joining Bryce Muir’s on west at Mulberry Creek.
Prater, Margaret 1867 She, mother and sister came 1867 (flood year); m. Bryce Muir. Died July 15, 1924.
Prater, Mrs. ? mother of Mrs. Bryce Muir
Powel, Andrew 1865 Took claim in Glendale Twp. Same section as Chas. Martin.
Paxton, Here Nov. 23, 1860 Parson’s diary.
Price, M.S. July 8, 1866
Price Mrs. M.S. July 8, 1866
Price, A.H. (son of M.S.) July 8, 1866
Rhodes, Mr. Fred May 1, 1859 Came with Tom White, James Sharp & others.
Rockford, Mrs. Jennie (see Jennie Sharp of 1859)
Riordan, John June 1858 Signature at Old Settlers Day
Ruse, W.M. Sept 19, 1865 Old Settlers Ass’n Record
Ruse, E.H. Sept. 10, 1865 Old Settlers Ass’n Record
Ruse, David Sept. 10, 1865 Old Settlers Ass’n Record
Robinson, Benjamin Franklin first time, 1859 Buffalo hunter & helped Tom Thorn build the “Den”. Left during 1860 and returned 1861. Left for war & returned 1865.
Rosemond, Henry 1869 Herd book, p. 709. Farmer of Greely Twp.
Rittgers, Mrs.____ (see Myra Morrison)
Rittgers, E.D. 1866 Ran grist mill on E. Walnut in 1866. Run 4 years. 1870 or 1871 C.R.Underwood bought interest & they erected 3-story grist mill south of Iron Ave. bridge-100 bbls. Per day. Ruford 3 yrs. (1873) then in company with C.R. Underwood & Co. erected the Western Star Mills, 3 story high, 200 bbls. Capacity.
Spilman, A.C. Feb. 15, 1858 Brought load of goods from Lawrence, returned & came back Mar. 1, 1858. Member of Salina Town Co. First wife was a Mary Kennison.
Schipple, Goodhart May, 1857 m. Miss Clara Wary who came Apr. left, back 1858 1, 1865. Went away fear of Indians, threw up claim, returned 1858. Run ferry at farm across Saline River spring of 1859, ran 9 years until 1868.
Schipple, John May 1857 Goodhart & John came May 1857, left; back 1858 left on account of the Indian raid. Returned 1858 & used the Gov’t bridge builders house which had been erected in 1854 on Saline while they cut & sawed timbers for the big bridge across Smoky Hill river at crossing in Ellis county & the bridge across the Saline River. After the big flood of 1858 the house was moved to higher ground.
Sharp, James May 1, 1859 Came with Tom White & others. (see Tom White) Claim S.E. of Salina. Mrs. Sharp’s baby born Aug. 1859, first child born in county; died as an infant.
Sharp, Mrs. James May 1, 1859
Sharp, Jennie May 1, 1859 m. Mr. Rockford. Came with Tom White and others.
Sharp, Andrew Oct. 6, 1861 First male child born in county to live.
Spohn, Abe 1859 Came to Solomon, Dickinson co. fall 1858; spent winter & moved to Saline co. spring of 1859. Farm on Bachelors Creek, runs into Smoky.
Spohn, Mrs. Maryia 1871 Old Settlers List
Spohn, Peter July 4, 1859 Settled in Dickinson co. fall 1858. To Saline co. July 4, 1859
Swain, Joseph fall, 1858 One of judges of first election, stayed but a short time. Buffalo hunter.
Sharp, Baby girl Aug. 1859 First child we have record of in county; d. in infancy. For second child see Tom White.
Sullivan, T.T. May 7, 1860 Given by him at Old Settlers Roll Call.
Smith, Miss D.____ 1866 Married a Mr. C.H. David. A sister of Mrs. Frank Robinson.
Sanborn, Mrs. James 1865 Campbell’s Old Settlers Register. She was a Miss Mary Ellen Woodward.
Sanborn, James July 1865 Campbell’s list; d. Feb 17, 1913.
Simmons, Simon 1861 Took no claim; m. Tryon’s daughter.
Sharpe, W.A. Oct. 6, 1861 given by him at Old Settlers Roll Call. First male child born in Saline County.
Sullivan, Dennis 1865 Came with Haskett’s after war.
Steele, A.D. July 26, 1864 H.H. Morrison’s Diary. Member of Co. G., 15th Reg. Ks. State Militia.
Shull, W.B. 1866
See, Robert Oct. 1865 Took claim Sec. 27-14-3
Seitz, Oscar July 1866 Old Settlers Register
Seitz, Mrs. Oscar (Johanna) Apr. 1, 1869 Old Settlers Register. She brought first piano.
Seaman, Silas Nov. 1867 He to Tescott, 1865; & he and Mr. T.E.Scott brought first sheep to Saline Co.
Seaman, Jennie R. Nov. 1867 Wife of Silas Seaman
Strange, Rev. John 1866 Moved to Lincoln Co.; see Bernhart’s History.
Skudder, Mrs. Nov. 20, 1860 Parson’s diary p. 35
Tressine, Otto 1860 Ran tin store & hardware.
Tressine, C. July 26, 1862 H.H. Morrison’s diary. Member Co. G. 15th Reg. Ks. State Militia Ran gun shop during guerrilla raid.
Talcott, Mr. June 23, 1864 H.H. Morrison’s diary
Tryon, Purn Spring 1860 First came 1859; left & back. Lived on Dry Creek
Tryon, Mrs. Purn 1860
Tryon’s 3 daughters 1860 1 m. Ed Johnson, 1 m. Simon Simmons 1 m. Mr. Lucas
Thorne, Thomas (Tommy) spring 1860 Worked in Phillips saw mill 1861 with Robinson. Buffalo hunter & built den. Killed by Indians, see A.A. Morrison’s diary.
Tompson, “Smoky Hill” spring, 1860 Morrison’s diary speaks of him Jan. 12, 1860. Moved to Ellsworth Co. & settled on Thompson’s Creek.
Thacker, Miss Etta spring 1861 brought by O.P. Hamilton to teach first school in “The Den”; m. Charles Haven, stage driver in 1866 or 1867
Trosper, J.S. Apr. 15, 1863 Lived in Saline Co. 1863 to about 1919, when moved to Minneapolis Ks.
Trosper, Bruce Apr. 15, 1863 Cabin on Gypsum Creek & still living in it in 1929.
Tripp, William 1862 Moved to Ottawa Co. in 1863.
Tripp, Mrs. Elizabeth 1862 Children attended school in (wife of William) Salina to a Mrs. Spencer.
Tripp, Woodville 1862 See Mead’s article in KS. Historical Collections, Vol.X, p. 625.
Tripp, Eliza 1862
Tripp, Jane 1862 Mrs. Clark
Tripp, Molvina 1862
Tripp, Sarah 1862
Tripp, Emma 1862
Taylor, Gal Nov. 1, 1863 Old Settlers Roll Call. Settled on Gypsum Creek
White, Tom (1st) 2 June 1858 1859 came with a group (2nd) 1 May 1859 consisting of: Tom White & wife & daughter Jane; Fred Rhodes, Chas. Holtzman; Capt. Clark; T Coonrad & wife; Jacob Wilson; Simeon Garlitz; Joseph Garlitz; Garlitz, “Old Lady” (mother of above); Miss Rebecca Garlitz (m. an Albright)
White, Mrs. Mary 1859 Was Miss Holtzman; d. in (first wife of Tom) childbirth.
White, Mrs. (Miss Mosier) 1864 m. Tom White, 1864 (Second wife of Tom)
White, John Robt. (Bob) Sept. 6, 1866 Andrew Sharp says born then.
Wigney, A. 1859 Signature at Old Settlers gathering.
Whitley, Henry June 4, 1859 Located in Saline Co. where Solomon City now located & is now in Dickinson Co. Member of Co. G. 15th Reg. Ks. Militia at Salina, KS.
Warneck, John
Wilcox, Abbie April 21, 1860 Parson’s diary; m. James Muir (see Mrs. James Muir) Aug. 11, 1860. Came with Jefferson Harpers folks.
Woodward, J. July 1865 H.H. Morrison’s diary
Wright, D. Nov. 30, 1860
Wright, L.O. May 1, 1867 First abstractor, 1869
Woolley, H.F. May, 1867 Merchant & later miller. City Trustee, 1867
Woolley, Mrs. H.F.
Woolley, Harry May 1867 (son of H.F.)
Wagstaf, Daninel R. June 1865 1864 soldier stationed here & returned. Andreas p. 706
Warneck, John 1863 H.H. Morrison’s diary. Lived east of Salina on road to Leavenworth.
Yordy, Andrew 1865 Settled on the Mulberry Creek in 1865.
Yordy, Mrs. Andrew 1865 & 3 children
Ziebell, Aug. spring 1867 Herdbook p. 709. Died Feb. 6, 1925.
Zigler, Mary 1863 m. J. Alverson July 15, 1863. H.H. Morrison’s diary p. 68.
Zigler, Martha 1863 m. Bernhard Blaw Jan. 1, 1864. Morrison’s diary p. 84.
“Every effort has been made to get the names and dates accurate, and it is believed this list contains the largest and most correct list of names of the early old time settlers in existence at this date.”
Re-indexed Aug. 15, 1924
Signed by A.M. Campbell, Jr.
This is an old handwritten compilation of early settlers of Saline County. It is copied as originally listed and spelled as best it could be determined from the handwriting. A pioneer was anyone coming to Saline County before May 4, 1867 when the regular service on the Kansas Pacific Railroad started.NAME, YEAR CAME OR KNOWN, REMARKS OR SOURCE, YEAR OF INFORMATION
Alverson, Daniel Jan. 4, 1860 July 4, 1860 hired with team to Pike’s Peak Road.
Alverson, (Old Lady & Lib) Jan. 4, 1860 Came with man name of John D.Lane & lived in T. White house, winter of 1860.
Alverson, J. Jan. 4, 1860 m. Mary Zigler, July 25, 1863 or 68.
Alverson, Lib or Lizzie Apr. 4, 1860 Worked for James Muir Apr. 2, 1861; m. H.H. Flagg who later was a county officer.
Alverson, John Jan. 4, 1860 Came with John Lane
Alverson, Mrs. John Apr. 11, 1863 She was Mary Zigler.
Anderson, Thomas Mar. or Apr. 6, 1861 Aug. 1, 1861 began work at sawmill at $14.00 per mo. Payable in goods, lumber & a little cash.
Adams, Mrs. Sept 25, 1861 Parson’s Diary.
Albright, Henry & Mrs. Henry Apr. 11, 1866.
Albright, Thos. Apr. 11, 1860 Uncle of Simeon Gartletz.
Albright, Mrs. Thos. 1860 She was Rebecca Gartletz, sister of Sim. When Mr. Albright died. She m. a Turner. See Turner
Albright, Mr. & Mrs. 1860 Left dry year.
Addison, David J. Feb. 14, 1867 Andreas Hist. Of Ks. P. 702
Alderdiei, Thos 1863 Bernhardt’s Hist. Of Lincoln Co. & Old Settler’s 1913. His sig. Addison, W.C. Feb. 14, 1867.
Armstrong, J.W. Apr. 10, 1867
Anderson, Mrs. Thomas 1864
Avery, Addison 1865 Ran grocery store 1865 in building just north of Lotz coal office & next to alley going to Western Star Mill.
Abbot, Mr. Nov. 20, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 53
Beaver, Peter & Mrs. Aug. 1859 Left dry year of 1860.
Bearns, Ulus Aug. 1859 Left dry year of 1860. 1865, here again in Glendale Twp.
Bellows, E.G. Spring 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 53. Farmed & ran brick yard÷Englishman. Went to McPherson Co. 1870-farmed; m.1870, Eliza J. Supton. 3 children.
Bishop, Rev. Wm. Jun. 7, 1860 Preacher to help organize church Parson’s diary p. 11, May 12 & P. 19 Jun. 7. Rev. A.A. Morrison’s Diary, p. 2, Jun 7.
Bishop, Mrs. Rev. Wm. Nov. 24, 1860 Parson’s Diary pp. 35 & 65
Bean, Wm. S. Sept. 9, 1860
Baxter, Doek Dec. 30, 1860. Parson’s Diary p. 87. Buffalo Hunter. Died in Salina. 2 sons living.
Bean, B.S. Nov. 4, 1860. m. Dec. 6, 1860 Sarah M. Morrison. H.H. Morrison’s Diary, p. 26.
Bishop, Robert. June 7, 1860. Helped reorganize Salina Town & became member & res. Parson’s Diary, p. 19. Paid $35 for claim on Dry Creek.
Bean, Miss Annie b. Oct. 6, 1861 Old Settler’s Roll Call
Blaw, Bernhardt Mar. 28, 1861 Hired by W.A. Phillips at Lawrence to come to Salina to set up saw mill 7 work in same at $20 per mo.; m. Martha Ziegler June 1, 1864. P. 84 H.H. Morrison’s Diary.
Bishop, Mrs. Robert & 3 children Nov. 24, 1861 Ebbie, Gary & Marshal
Barker, Henry May 1860 Parson’s Diary p. 23 says May 30
Bishop, George Skiles Dec. 25, 1864 On Ks. Stage Coach; He bought claim on Dry Creek south of State ___from Elsie Evans. She took it when Chas. Haskit left & went to war.
Buch, Mr. Here spring of 1860; left & returned 1862.
Bishop, David P. 1865 He took claim south of George Bishop on Dry Creek.
Burnett, J.G. 1865 Moved to McPherson Co.
Bishop, Ebbie L. Nov. 1860
Bishop, Wm. H. Feb. 3, 1862
Blundon, J.W. Nov. 1866
Bagley, W.P. Apr. 15, 1866
Brown, Albert L. Aug. 1862
Blundon, Julia Nov. 1866
Bishop, John L. Apr. 10, 1865
Brendel, Mary July 1866 She was a Miss Mary Ninra; m. Frank Brendel.
Boyles, Thomas 1864
Barker, John L. 1867
Bondi, August Aug. 6, 1866 One of John Brown’s men.
Bassett, M.R. 1866 Andreas Hist. Of KS. P. 708
Bean, John L. Oct. 1866
Beebe, Ambrose May 1, 1867
Campbell, A.M. Feb. 1, 1858 Member of Salina Town Co.; d. Feb. 15, 1907 of heart failure.
Campbell, Mrs. A.M. July 4, 1858 Generally called mother of Salina. Was Christina A. Phillips; m. A.M. Campbell in 1859 at Riley City, KS.d. Apr. 25, 1918 at age 87.
Crawford, Robert 1859 Came Feb. 15, 1858 with A.C. Spilman with load of goods for Salina Town Co. & went back.
Campbell, Christie b. Oct. 25, 1859 First white child b. in City & first to live in county; m. N.H. Loomis.
Clark, Capt. May 1, 1858 Came with Tom White’s second trip. Old Settler’s of A.M. Campbell.
Coonrad, T. First came June 1858 Came with Sharps & Tom White, left June flood 1858; spring of 1859. Left dry year. Back May 1, 1859.
Coonrad, Mrs. T. & 2 children May 1859 Came with James Sharp & Tom White.
Combs, William 1859
Combs, Mrs. William & 1859 One daughter m. Mr. Lehman; one 3 daughters. (Maggie) m. Page; one m. John Lane.
Cobb, Dr. Spring 1860 Andreas Hist. Of Ks. P. 698. Died here in fall, buried in home made 2″ pine box coffin.
Cass, Jacob 1860 Andreas Hist. Of Ks. P. 698. First Treasurer of County.
Cass, Mrs. 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 35. She buried husband in Topeka; he was killed by barrel of buffalo tallow falling on him on Dec. 20, 1860.
Crowther, Joseph First came Oct. 14, 1859. Parson’s Diary, p. 29 Back Sept. 18, 1860.
Crowther, Mrs. Joseph Sept. 18, 1860 Parson’s Diary p. 29
Calkins, Ransom May 1, 1861 Parson’s Diary, p. 49 built his house in 1867.
Calkins, Peter May 1, 1861 Parson’s Diary p. 49
Calkins, Royal D. May 1, 1861 Old Settler’s Roll Call. Carried mail June 30, 1864-1870.
Coburn, Joseph Apr. 22, 1861 Went to Leavenworth in 1857 & started 1st mill (flour) there. Came to Saline Co. with B.F. Robinson; d. in 1877.
Coburn, Mrs. Joseph Apr. 22, 1861
Cox, Ellen Apr. 22, 1861 Came with Joseph Coburn & wife.
Coburn, Rebecca Mar. 3, 1864 Married Dr. Wm. A. Phillips. After his death, m. Mr. Krause, her brother-in-law, of McPherson.
Cline, John May 1861 Worked for J.R. Mean & Mr. Haynes when Haynes was murdered. He afterward lived at New Cambria.
Coburn, Miss Jennie Feb. 2, 1862
Cline, Mrs. Sarah 1863
Caldwell, Adam 1864
Conyess, Culver 1860 Worked in Phillip’s saw mill June 1861.
Clayton, L.L. 1864 H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Crowley, Dr. J.W. May 1, 1867 Andreas’ Hist. Of Ks. P. 703, & Campbell’s notebook of Old Settlers.
Collins, A.P. Oct. 1866 Register of Old Settlers of Saline County.
Colgren, Andrew B. Jan. 18, 1864 First Swede in County. Located on upper Smoky Hill River on Sec. 30-13-2. Lived there until 1893 when he returned to Sweden & d. in 1895.
Conway, Thomas March 1867
Conway, Minerva April 1867
Calkins, Mrs. Royal D. April 1867 She was an Armstrong.
Dunn, Patt. 1860 Killed by a buffalo, Aug. 1860.
Donegan, John March 1867 Moved to California.
Dihle, Henry May 1, 1866 Came 1865 & left; was a government teamster. He m. Anna Neubold 1876. She came 1875.
Dihle, R.H. Spring 1863 first harness maker in Salina.
Dell, Susan Mar. 17, 1861 given by her at Old Settler’s Roll Call (Street Fair)
Darling, Mr. Dec. 1861 Phillips’ Journal p. 65
Downey, Mr. July 24, 1860 Rev. A.A. Morrison’s Diary
Dunn, U. June 1860
Davis, Eliza D. Dec. 18, 1860
Dorethy & Curley 1867 Ranch on Plum Creek 14 mi. west of Ft. Harker. Ranch attacked by Indians July 1867 & Curley was killed (lady taken to Ellsworth)
Estrel, John 1865 Farm in Glendale Twp. East of H. Dihle farm.
Evans, Elsie 1861 She took claim Chas. Haskit leftwhen he went to war & sold it to George Bisop. It was on Dry Creek south of State St.
Evans, (brother of Elsie) 1861 Took no claim, stayed but a short time.
Ernest ? May 1866 Glendale Twp.
Fisher, Jacob J. fall 1870 family
Fisher, Mrs. Jacob. J. Apr. 28, 1858 See Caroline Link of 1858. She was 4th child of Mrs. Catherine Link Faris, Trip 1860.
Faris, Henry V. Sept. 20, 1860 Came to near Ft. Riley in fall of 1859. Worked until he came to Salina. Later went to Ellsworth Co., took ranch with brothers and hunted buffalo.
Faris, Irving (Irv.) Sept. 1860 History of Dickinson Co.
Faris, Winton (Wint) Sept. 1860 History of Dickinson Co.
Flag, H.H. Jan. 1860 Worked for A.M. Campbell. He was also county officer. He m. Lib. Alverson.
Grandy, John B. April 1858 Came from Parma, Jackson Co., Michigan. Stayed a few weeks and laid out town of Grandy where New Cambria now stands. A.M. Campbell helped him measure land with buggy wheel.
Graw, Dr. 1858 Indian wife. Quack?
Garlitts, Mrs. 1860 She was a Haskitt.
Garlitts, Simeon May 1859 He m. Miss Haskitt, daughter of Charles Haskitt. (Belgium)
Girsch, Peter July 4, 1859 Took claim with Morrison’s log (Old Man)house on it. He made hinges & latch for the stockade building.
Girsch, Mrs. Peter July 4, 1859 A.C. Spilman family
Girsch, Peter Jr. July 4, 1859 A.C. Spilman family (oldest son)
Girsch, Stephen July 4, 1859 Died June 22, 1927(second son)
Girsch, Mike 1859 His signature at Old Settlers day.(third son)
Girsch, Annie 1859 m. a Mr. Humbarger(fourth child)
Girsch, John Peter 1859 A.C. Spilman family(fifth child)
Girsch, Nick 1859 First blacksmith in county.(cousin of Old Man)
Garvin, George Oct. 1859 Came with David and Grandma Phillips. His wife was a Kennison
Griffenstein, Wm. Spring 1861 Was a buffalo hunter & settler. Moved away to Arkansas about 1864 on a ranch.
Garlitts, Mrs. May 1, 1859 Came with Tom White party.(mother of Simeon)
Geisen, Jacob 1865 m. Miss Annie Link, oldest daughter of Catherine Link. They moved to Minneapolis.
Galoway, Mr. April 1861
Groger, Dr. J.B. Oct. 1, 1866 Andreas History of Kansas, p. 703 and Old Settlers Book.
Gardner, Benjamin W. June 1863 Prospector and farmer. Farm on Saline R.
Gardner, Catherine N. Nov. 1863 (first wife of Benj. W. Gardner)
Gardner, Wm. H. Sept. 28, 1864 His signature.
Godfrey, S.S. 1866 Andreas History of Farm in Walnut Twp., KS. P. 708
Holtzman, Chas. Came with Tom White – Conrad & Capt. Clark & left high water of June 1858. Came back again with Sharp & White 1859.
Holtzman, Mrs. Chas. May 1, 1859
Humbarger, Solomon Nov. 1858 Died Dec. 18, 1928 at No. 9th St. City.
Humbarger, Jacob Nov. 1858
Humbarger, Sam Nov. 1858
Humbarger, Dan Nov. 1858 m. Annie Girsch
Humbarger, John 1859 Told Thomas Anderson
Hains, E.C. 1858 He was a buffalo hunter. With J.N. Swain, left 1860 or dry year. See J.N. Swain.
Harper, (“Old Man”) Apr. 1860 Parson’s Diary
Harmon, John April 1860 On Saline River
Helm, Adam April 21, 1860 He worked saw mill June 15, 1861.Brought first shingle mill to Salina.
Helm, Henry April 21, 1860 Methodist Church organizers (Hook & Helm)
Hook, Mr. April 21, 1860
Harper, Jefferson April 21, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 9
Harper, Milt April 21, 1860 Harpers came together with Abbie Wilcox & others. Abbie Wilcox m. James Muir; upon his death she m. H.H. Morrison.
Harper, Mrs. April 21, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. 9 (mother of above)
Haskitt, James 1860 James & Chrles Haskit took claim on Dry Creek south of State St. Threw it up and went back east- claim was taken by Elsie Evans 1861. Came back in _____
Haskit, Charles April 1860
Haskit, Mrs. Charles April 1860
Haskit, (daughter of above) April 1860 m. Simeon Gartlets and stayed here when folks went away. Later moved to Greenwood Co., KS.
Haskit, George 1861 Stayed one year÷moved to Greenwood Co., KS.
Helm, J.W. 1862 Farmer 11 miles east of Salina.Died Feb. 12, 1930. Salina Journal death notice.
Humbarger, Peter July 1865 Herdbook, p. 708
Humbarger, Mrs. Solomon Oct. 31, 1863 Old Settler’s Roll Call
Honeck, Earnest March 11, 1862 Took ranch at where Bavaria stands in about 1864. Laid out town of Honeck 1871÷vacated 1877÷ later added to Bavaria as an addition.
Hughes, Dr. 1860
Hughes, Mrs. Dr. 1860
Hamond, Mr. ? J. Dec. 26, 1860 H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Havens, Chas. 1863 He m. Miss Etta Thacker (first school teacher), divorced later. Stage driver.
Humbarger, Jacob Nov. 1858
Humbarger, Solomon Nov. 1858 Located 2 miles East of Culver.
Humbarger, Sam Nov. 1858 Died Salina S. 9th St. at his nephew’s Peter Spohn, Nov. 18 1928. He had been living in Ellis KS.
Humbarger, Dean Nov. 1858
Howe, J.E. 1865 Notary Public here in 1865. May have been here before then.
Harris, Ervin 1864
Hopkins, D.F. 1866 Located at Bridgeport.
Huston, John W. 1864 See Bernhardt’s Indian raids, Lincoln Co., KS.
Huskey, Ernest 1865 Located in Glendale Twp. Near H. Diehl farm
Hamilton, O.P. 1861 Andreas, p. 703
Haskins, Dennis 1866 Farmer, Eureka, Twp.
Harmon, John 1865 Farm, Cambria Twp.
Hanna, Mrs. B.J.F. 1861 Capt. Hanna sent his family to (Margaret Phillips, sister of Col. Phillips) Salina when he went to war.
Harrison, Mrs. 1866, fall Ks. Historical Collections, vol. 10, (was Emily Haines)
p. 622
Itzen, J. Apr 30, 1865 Morrison’s Diary
Johnson, Ed. Donivan 1859 His letter; m. Miss Tryon; d. Blackwell, OK.
Johnson, Mrs. (Tryon) 1860 Purn Tryon’s daughter; lived on Dry Creek.
Jones, H.L. Feb. 19, 1860 Parson’s Diary, p. l; Morrison’s Diary , p. 8.
Jones, Mrs. H.L. March 11, 1860 Parson’s Diary (& child, Allie)
Jones, (Uncle) March 16, 1860 Parson’s Diary and Mrs. H.L. Jones
Jeffers, Mr. Nov. 1862 H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Johnson, Curtis 1861 Worked for Col. Phillips at saw mill p. 92, Register.
Jensass, Mrs. J.J. May 3, 1861 Given by her at Old Settlers
Jennings, Mr. ? 1860 Parson’s Diary p. 43 & 35
Jackson, Caroline 1861, summer First colored person to come to Saline Co. to work for Mrs. Col. Phillips.
Jennerson, Capt. June 1863 H.H. Morrison’s Diary, lived near Ks. Pacific depot in 1868.
Kelly, Tom July 1860 A.A. Morrison’s Diary; Tom Kelly & I acted as judges in election.
Loomis, Mrs. Christie C. 1859 First child born in Salina & first in county to live. Lull, P.F. 1869 Twp. Trustee
Lull, J.K. 1867 Salina Trustee
Lull, Dr. fall, 1866
Lane, John July 4, 1860 Came with Alverson, according to Tom Anderson.
Lucas, Mr. Fall, 1861 Parson’s Diary, p. 29, Sept. 2; son- in-law of Tryon’s & lived farm south of his.
Link, Catherine Robb April 28, 1858 First woman in county & took claim N.E. of Salina. A widow with 4 children, her husband having died on road to Salina.
Link, Anna 1865 She & her husband Jacob Geisen came to Saline Co & stayed with her mother Mrs. Link a short time then moved to Ottawa Co.
Link, Jacob 1858 d. young; never married
Link, Mary 1858 m. Israel Markely in 1860 and moved to Ottawa Co.
Link, Caroline 1858 m. Jacob J. Fisher and to Ottawa Co.
Link, Elizabeth 1858 m. Jack Williams and lived on farm N.E. of Salina.
Lehmon, Joseph (Joe) 1860 Page & Lehmon ranch 1860-63 Ellsworth Co., m. Miss Maggie Coombs. Buffalo hunter & rancher.
Leise, Silas June 15, 1861 Worked for Col. Phillips in saw mill at $30 per month.
Lull & Walker Mill was built 12/____ Phillips saw mill sold lumber for.
Libert, John 1865 Settled in Glendale Twp.
Linden, J. 1862 His funeral sermon preached 12/14/1862. A.A. Morrisons Diary.
Lowe, Capt. G.G. fall, 1866
Lowe, Mrs. Capt. G.G. March 26, 1867 By ox team. Settled on farm, now known as Henry Weisgarbers.
Lowe, Mary C. (Nellie) March 26, 1867 m. James Marrs of Beloit, KS.
Lowe, Millard March 26, 1867
Lowe, Will March 26, 1867 Feb. 1930 a photographer in Springfield, MO.
Long, Sam 1865
Long, Mrs. Sam 1865
Long, Tom (son of Sam) 1865
Lyon, George B. 1867 Salina Trustee, may have been here before
Livingston, Noah 1863 Tom Anderson
Lotz, Edward May 1, 1867 First undertaker. First coal dealer
Leonard, ? Nov. 1860
Lapsley, Larry after war He came with Luke Parsons. Second colored in county and first to take land.
Markley, Israel April 28, 1858 Lived with Mrs. Link and m. her daughter and moved to Ottawa Co.
Morrison, Hugh H. October 14, 1859 Kept diary of 1859-1865
Morrison, Myra May 29, 1860 Sister of H.H. and m. Rittgers.
Morrison, Maryetta May 29, 1860 Sister of H.H.
Morrison, Rev. A.A. May 29, 1860 Father of H.H. See his diary.
Morrison, Mrs. A.A. May 29, 1860 H.H. diary pg. 78
Morrison, Wilson W. March 28, 1860 H.H. diary p. 8, Parson’s p. 7
Morrison, Andrew R. March 28, 1860 Parson’s diary, p. 7
Muir, April 14, 1860 Parson’s diary p. 9
Muir, William May 11, 1860 Parson’s diary p. 11
Muir, Mrs. William
Morrison, Mrs. H.H. May 1, 1862 H.H. Morrison’s diary, p. 52. May 1, wife’s first day here.
Morrison, Mrs. Wilson W. April 24, 1860 (& son & daughter)
Morrison, Sarah H. Sept. 18, 1860 Parson’s diary & Morrison’s diary m. Ben Bean
Muir, Bryce 1865 Family; d. Mar. 21, 1927
Muir, Mrs. Bryce 1867 Family. She was Margaret Prater
Muir, James Feb. 1, 1858 He & A.M. Campbell built first house in Salina, for Phillips. Member of Salina Town Co; m. Abbie Wilcox June 22, 1860.
Mead, James R. Fall, 1859 Ranch on Paradise Creek & Deputy Sheriff of Saline Co. under Luke Parsons. 1862 moved to Salina because of Indians. 1863 to south along Arkansas River & one of the founders of Wichita.
Mason, James June 1859 His signature, Old Settlers
Muir, Robert 1861 Phillips Journal, p. 84, Apr. 26, 1861 worked at saw mill; m. Nancy Kennison, 1865.
Muir Mrs. Robert
Mosier, Hiram 1863
Mosier, Miss 1863 m. Tom White 1865 or 1866.
McReynolds, Robt 1860 Elected Sheriff of Saline Co. Nov. 1861. Andreas pg. 698
McReynolds, Nancy 1860 Worked for Wm. A. Phillips Mar. 25, 1862. Phillips Journal pg. 27
Martin, Charlie 1865 Took land in Glendale twp on Mulberry where he died.
Meadel, C. July 26, 1864 H.H.M. diary, member of Co. G Kansas State Militia.
Moberly, Richard 1857, summer Head of Buchanan Town Co., stayed only a short time.
Maxwell, Mathew Dec. 1865
Maxwell, William A. 1864 or 1865
Maxwell, Mrs. Mathew 1866
McPhail, D. 1866
McPhail, Mrs. D. 1866
McAnliff, Dan D. April 1867 Old Settlers Ass’n Book, Notary – Real estate & U.S. Commissioner & manufactured concrete brick.
Norton, E.L. May 1, 1867
Osborne, Ed July 19, 1863 H.H.M. Member of Co. G, 10th Reg. Ks. State Militia.
Osborne, Hugh Apr. 14, 1861
Oltmans, R. Henry July 12, 1859
Oltmans, Mrs. R. Henry July 12, 1859
Osborne, J.K. 1866 Salina trustee 1867
Obrien, William 1864
Phillips, William Addison 1856 Explored as far west as Barton Co. -returned to Lawrence. Walked up to big bend of Smoky Hill river & also Blue River with view of picking townsite. He, A.M. Campbell Sr. & James Muir walked up to Salina from Lawrence, Feb.1, 1858 to locate the town of Salina. Campbell & Muir stayed and Phillips returned to send up supplies.
Phillips, David L. 1858 Member of Salina town Co. Herd Book, p. 705
Phillips, Mrs. Carroway June 12, 1860 First woman in Salina; was home-(wife of Col. Phillips) sick and left, refusing to stay. Came back June 12, 1860 and stayed.
Phillips, James S. 1860 of U.S. Navy
Phillips, John – boy 1860 Lost in blizzard of 1867 – Nov.Thanksgiving day.
Phillips, Christina A. July 4, 1858 (see Mrs. A.M. Campbell)
Phillips, C.A. 1859, fall H.H. Morrison’s Diary
Phillips, Maxwell 1859, fall
Pickard, George Aug. 1858 Andreas, p. 698, says he was first storekeeper, but was not. His goods destroyed by flood and bought by Phillips for $20 for Campbell’s store.
Packard, George Feb. 28, 1861 Parson’s Diary
Parson, Luke F. Feb. 17, 1860 His diary. He left for war and returned.
Page, Capt. Daniel H. 1860 Andreas. Lemon & Page ranch in now Ellsworth Co. Kept stage station. Settled on Thompson’s Creek spring of 1860. 1864 moved to Salina on account of the Indians.1868 moved to Sec. 9 near Lindsborg, KS. M. Maggie Combs
Peters, Joe 1863 Morrison’s Diary
Prescott, J.H. (Judge) 1862 Andreas a history & picture
Prescott, Mrs. J.H. Andreas
Pierce, Alec K. Feb. 1867 Farm on Dry Creek
Parker, Gaf’s June 1864 Morrison’s Diary
Parker, Robert 1864 Rev. A.A. Morrison’s diary; settled Moffit estate.
Peterman, Henry Aug. 19, 1865 H.H. Morrison’s diary. Left dry year 1860. Came back 1865 & settled on Saline R.
Peterman, Mrs. Henry 1860 H.H. Morrison’s diary
Prater, Capt. Collin 1860 Parson’s diary. Brother-in-law of Bryce Muir
Prater, John 1860 Took farm joining Bryce Muir’s on west at Mulberry Creek.
Prater, Margaret 1867 She, mother and sister came 1867 (flood year); m. Bryce Muir. Died July 15, 1924.
Prater, Mrs. ? mother of Mrs. Bryce Muir
Powel, Andrew 1865 Took claim in Glendale Twp. Same section as Chas. Martin.
Paxton, Here Nov. 23, 1860 Parson’s diary.
Price, M.S. July 8, 1866
Price Mrs. M.S. July 8, 1866
Price, A.H. (son of M.S.) July 8, 1866
Rhodes, Mr. Fred May 1, 1859 Came with Tom White, James Sharp & others.
Rockford, Mrs. Jennie (see Jennie Sharp of 1859)
Riordan, John June 1858 Signature at Old Settlers Day
Ruse, W.M. Sept 19, 1865 Old Settlers Ass’n Record
Ruse, E.H. Sept. 10, 1865 Old Settlers Ass’n Record
Ruse, David Sept. 10, 1865 Old Settlers Ass’n Record
Robinson, Benjamin Franklin first time, 1859 Buffalo hunter & helped Tom Thorn build the “Den”. Left during 1860 and returned 1861. Left for war & returned 1865.
Rosemond, Henry 1869 Herd book, p. 709. Farmer of Greely Twp.
Rittgers, Mrs.____ (see Myra Morrison)
Rittgers, E.D. 1866 Ran grist mill on E. Walnut in 1866. Run 4 years. 1870 or 1871 C.R.Underwood bought interest & they erected 3-story grist mill south of Iron Ave. bridge-100 bbls. Per day. Ruford 3 yrs. (1873) then in company with C.R. Underwood & Co. erected the Western Star Mills, 3 story high, 200 bbls. Capacity.
Spilman, A.C. Feb. 15, 1858 Brought load of goods from Lawrence, returned & came back Mar. 1, 1858. Member of Salina Town Co. First wife was a Mary Kennison.
Schipple, Goodhart May, 1857 m. Miss Clara Wary who came Apr. left, back 1858 1, 1865. Went away fear of Indians, threw up claim, returned 1858. Run ferry at farm across Saline River spring of 1859, ran 9 years until 1868.
Schipple, John May 1857 Goodhart & John came May 1857, left; back 1858 left on account of the Indian raid. Returned 1858 & used the Gov’t bridge builders house which had been erected in 1854 on Saline while they cut & sawed timbers for the big bridge across Smoky Hill river at crossing in Ellis county & the bridge across the Saline River. After the big flood of 1858 the house was moved to higher ground.
Sharp, James May 1, 1859 Came with Tom White & others. (see Tom White) Claim S.E. of Salina. Mrs. Sharp’s baby born Aug. 1859, first child born in county; died as an infant.
Sharp, Mrs. James May 1, 1859
Sharp, Jennie May 1, 1859 m. Mr. Rockford. Came with Tom White and others.
Sharp, Andrew Oct. 6, 1861 First male child born in county to live.
Spohn, Abe 1859 Came to Solomon, Dickinson co. fall 1858; spent winter & moved to Saline co. spring of 1859. Farm on Bachelors Creek, runs into Smoky.
Spohn, Mrs. Maryia 1871 Old Settlers List
Spohn, Peter July 4, 1859 Settled in Dickinson co. fall 1858. To Saline co. July 4, 1859
Swain, Joseph fall, 1858 One of judges of first election, stayed but a short time. Buffalo hunter.
Sharp, Baby girl Aug. 1859 First child we have record of in county; d. in infancy. For second child see Tom White.
Sullivan, T.T. May 7, 1860 Given by him at Old Settlers Roll Call.
Smith, Miss D.____ 1866 Married a Mr. C.H. David. A sister of Mrs. Frank Robinson.
Sanborn, Mrs. James 1865 Campbell’s Old Settlers Register. She was a Miss Mary Ellen Woodward.
Sanborn, James July 1865 Campbell’s list; d. Feb 17, 1913.
Simmons, Simon 1861 Took no claim; m. Tryon’s daughter.
Sharpe, W.A. Oct. 6, 1861 given by him at Old Settlers Roll Call. First male child born in Saline County.
Sullivan, Dennis 1865 Came with Haskett’s after war.
Steele, A.D. July 26, 1864 H.H. Morrison’s Diary. Member of Co. G., 15th Reg. Ks. State Militia.
Shull, W.B. 1866
See, Robert Oct. 1865 Took claim Sec. 27-14-3
Seitz, Oscar July 1866 Old Settlers Register
Seitz, Mrs. Oscar (Johanna) Apr. 1, 1869 Old Settlers Register. She brought first piano.
Seaman, Silas Nov. 1867 He to Tescott, 1865; & he and Mr. T.E.Scott brought first sheep to Saline Co.
Seaman, Jennie R. Nov. 1867 Wife of Silas Seaman
Strange, Rev. John 1866 Moved to Lincoln Co.; see Bernhart’s History.
Skudder, Mrs. Nov. 20, 1860 Parson’s diary p. 35
Tressine, Otto 1860 Ran tin store & hardware.
Tressine, C. July 26, 1862 H.H. Morrison’s diary. Member Co. G. 15th Reg. Ks. State Militia Ran gun shop during guerrilla raid.
Talcott, Mr. June 23, 1864 H.H. Morrison’s diary
Tryon, Purn Spring 1860 First came 1859; left & back. Lived on Dry Creek
Tryon, Mrs. Purn 1860
Tryon’s 3 daughters 1860 1 m. Ed Johnson, 1 m. Simon Simmons 1 m. Mr. Lucas
Thorne, Thomas (Tommy) spring 1860 Worked in Phillips saw mill 1861 with Robinson. Buffalo hunter & built den. Killed by Indians, see A.A. Morrison’s diary.
Tompson, “Smoky Hill” spring, 1860 Morrison’s diary speaks of him Jan. 12, 1860. Moved to Ellsworth Co. & settled on Thompson’s Creek.
Thacker, Miss Etta spring 1861 brought by O.P. Hamilton to teach first school in “The Den”; m. Charles Haven, stage driver in 1866 or 1867
Trosper, J.S. Apr. 15, 1863 Lived in Saline Co. 1863 to about 1919, when moved to Minneapolis Ks.
Trosper, Bruce Apr. 15, 1863 Cabin on Gypsum Creek & still living in it in 1929.
Tripp, William 1862 Moved to Ottawa Co. in 1863.
Tripp, Mrs. Elizabeth 1862 Children attended school in (wife of William) Salina to a Mrs. Spencer.
Tripp, Woodville 1862 See Mead’s article in KS. Historical Collections, Vol.X, p. 625.
Tripp, Eliza 1862
Tripp, Jane 1862 Mrs. Clark
Tripp, Molvina 1862
Tripp, Sarah 1862
Tripp, Emma 1862
Taylor, Gal Nov. 1, 1863 Old Settlers Roll Call. Settled on Gypsum Creek
White, Tom (1st) 2 June 1858 1859 came with a group (2nd) 1 May 1859 consisting of: Tom White & wife & daughter Jane; Fred Rhodes, Chas. Holtzman; Capt. Clark; T Coonrad & wife; Jacob Wilson; Simeon Garlitz; Joseph Garlitz; Garlitz, “Old Lady” (mother of above); Miss Rebecca Garlitz (m. an Albright)
White, Mrs. Mary 1859 Was Miss Holtzman; d. in (first wife of Tom) childbirth.
White, Mrs. (Miss Mosier) 1864 m. Tom White, 1864 (Second wife of Tom)
White, John Robt. (Bob) Sept. 6, 1866 Andrew Sharp says born then.
Wigney, A. 1859 Signature at Old Settlers gathering.
Whitley, Henry June 4, 1859 Located in Saline Co. where Solomon City now located & is now in Dickinson Co. Member of Co. G. 15th Reg. Ks. Militia at Salina, KS.
Warneck, John
Wilcox, Abbie April 21, 1860 Parson’s diary; m. James Muir (see Mrs. James Muir) Aug. 11, 1860. Came with Jefferson Harpers folks.
Woodward, J. July 1865 H.H. Morrison’s diary
Wright, D. Nov. 30, 1860
Wright, L.O. May 1, 1867 First abstractor, 1869
Woolley, H.F. May, 1867 Merchant & later miller. City Trustee, 1867
Woolley, Mrs. H.F.
Woolley, Harry May 1867 (son of H.F.)
Wagstaf, Daninel R. June 1865 1864 soldier stationed here & returned. Andreas p. 706
Warneck, John 1863 H.H. Morrison’s diary. Lived east of Salina on road to Leavenworth.
Yordy, Andrew 1865 Settled on the Mulberry Creek in 1865.
Yordy, Mrs. Andrew 1865 & 3 children
Ziebell, Aug. spring 1867 Herdbook p. 709. Died Feb. 6, 1925.
Zigler, Mary 1863 m. J. Alverson July 15, 1863. H.H. Morrison’s diary p. 68.
Zigler, Martha 1863 m. Bernhard Blaw Jan. 1, 1864. Morrison’s diary p. 84.